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Discover The Exact Instant Conversion Techniques Used To Turn Every Visitor Into Cash… 100% Guaranteed!

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Unlimited Duration

Last Updated

May 6, 2024

Students Enrolled

Total Video Time

1 hour, 27 minutes

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Instant Conversion Mastery

Discover The Exact Instant Conversion Techniques Used To Turn Every Visitor Into Cash… 100% Guaranteed!

What is traffic if those traffic will not turn into at least a one time customer. You see, traffic is said to be the life-blood of a website or an online business but if you are not good at converting those leads into customers, then your marketing effort is not enough.

The thing that, many internet marketers have been experimenting some marketing strategies and psychologies on how to make those leads to buy what you offer.

Inside this video series, you are about to learn the essential information on you can convert those website visitors as far as turning them into returning to loyal customers.

You will learn:

  • Understanding conversion metrics
  • Conversion optimization strategies
  • Persuasion and psychology
  • Copywriting and content optimization
  • Conversion tracking and analytics
  • Multi-channel conversion optimization
  • Customer journey mapping

This course includes:

  • 1 hour, 27 minutes on demand video
  • 14 videos
  • Full lifetime access
Profile Photo
Ian Findly


About Instructor

Meet Ian Findly, a prolific author renowned for his literary prowess with five bestsellers under his belt. Beyond his accomplished writing career, Ian is a dedicated freelance writer and an enthusiastic advocate of digital products and innovations. What truly sets Ian apart is his insatiable wanderlust. When he's not immersed in crafting captivating courses or weaving tales through his words, you'll find him embarking on journeys that enrich his perspectives and creativity. Ian's global adventures fuel his inspiration, making his courses not only informative but also imbued with a rich tapestry of experiences. Join Ian Findly on his courses, where his wealth of knowledge and passion for writing and digital innovation will undoubtedly ignite your own creative sparks.

Course Currilcum

    • Introduction How To Increase Conversions In Your Marketing FREE 00:04:40
    • Top Producers Converting Products 00:02:08
    • Copy Writing Elements Part I 00:09:57
    • Copy writing Part-II 00:14:26
    • Increasing Conversions In Your Email Part 1 00:09:30
    • Increasing Conversions In Your Email Part II 00:05:31
    • Increasing-Conversions On Your Squeeze Page Part I 00:07:16
    • Conversions On Squeeze Pages Part-II 00:03:21
    • Increasing Conversions In The Sales Process 00:05:39
    • Increasing Blog Conversions Part 1 00:04:41
    • Blogging Conversions Part II 00:03:52
    • AIDA 00:10:23
    • Increasing Conversions Part I 00:03:21
    • Concluding Thoughts Increasing Conversions Part II 00:03:07

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